The workplace is a space where individuals spend a significant portion of their time, making it essential to maintain a healthy and safe environment. One potential threat that can compromise the well-being of employees is Legionella, a bacterium that can lead to Legionnaires' disease, a severe form of pneumonia. In this blog post, we will explore what Legionella is, how it spreads, and most importantly, effective measures to prevent its occurrence in the workplace.
Understanding Legionella
Legionella is a type of bacteria that can cause severe pneumonia-like illnesses, known as Legionnaires’ disease. It thrives in warm, moist environments like showerheads, water tanks, hot tubs, and cooling towers. The risks of contracting Legionella infection in the workplace are high, particularly for those working in healthcare facilities, hospitality, and commercial buildings. The bacteria can be inhaled when contaminated water is turned into fine aerosols, such as in showers, spray taps or cooling towers. Here are some tips on how to prevent Legionella infection in your workplace.
What causes Legionella bacteria to occur?
Legionella bacteria can grow if a water system;
- Is poorly managed
- If water becomes stagnant
- If limescale is present
- If there is a water temperature between 20°c and 45°c.
Preventive Measures:
1. Conduct a Legionella Risk Assessment
Conducting a Legionella risk assessment of the workplace to identify potential sources of Legionella growth. This process will help determine the risks associated with the bacteria. It includes examining the water supply, assessing the temperature of stored and circulating water, researching the history of water usage, and reviewing the system’s design.
2. Regular maintenance of water systems
Regular cleaning and disinfection of water systems play a significant role in preventing the growth and spread of Legionella bacteria. High-risk areas require more frequent cleaning, particularly areas where water is stored, or scale can form. These areas can include water tanks, showers, or taps inserts I.e flow straighteners or spray nozzles. Disinfectants that are effective against Legionella bacteria should be used.
3. Controlled Water Temperature
Legionella thrives in warm water, so maintaining appropriate water temperature is critical. Cold water should be kept below 20°C, whereas hot water should be stored at a minimum of 60°C and should be at a minimum of 50°C at the outlet (55°C Healthcare). Assign staff who are knowledgeable in controlling water systems.
5. Educate Employees
It is vital to educate employees and staff on the dangers of Legionella bacteria and how to prevent it. Provide Legionella Awareness training courses to identify potential sources of Legionella growth, the importance of regularly cleaning water systems, and promoting good hygiene practices.
6. Regularly Test and Monitor
Regular testing, monitoring, and record-keeping are essential in identifying any issues before they become a significant problem. The testing should include checking water temperatures and disinfection control measures. If there are issues, immediate action should be taken.
Preventing Legionella infection in the workplace requires a combinations of proactive measures control water systems, regular cleaning and maintenance, monitoring, and staff education. The prevention of Legionella bacteria will not only ensure healthy employees and service-users but also prevent any legal implications and reputational damage. A systematic and regular approach can minimise risk and create a safe and healthy work environment.